Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Data Structures - Stacks and Queues

In this post we'll go over some things about stacks and queues.
I have in an earlier post wrote an implementation of a queue while explaining lists. You can take a look here.

Queues are FIFO, meaning first in first out. The first element put into the queue is dequeued in the before the others. There is a head and a tail that keeps track of the first and last element enqueued.

Priority queues:
Priority queues are used in storing processes and their priorities. When a system has to switch the processor between many many processes going on, it can switch based on priorities. Some processes have lower priority and some, higher.

Circular Queues:
Circular queues are the same as queues, except that it wraps around the end to the beginning again. With circular queues, it would be easy to use an array, since there is only a limited amount of space in a circle.

Stacks are FILO, meaning first in last out. Think of the stack like, a stack of plates. If you stack one plate over another, say five plates, you would take each one off one by one from the fifth one you stacked to the first one at the very bottom. Stacks are used for memory storage in systems, can be allocated for a process.

These two data structures, as you can see my examples of them, are used in important systems and programs.


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